
西瓜影视 内地剧 2025-03-23 21:40 2

摘要:明者防祸于未萌, 智者图患于将来。在这个充满喧嚣的世界,站在时代拐点,谁能洞见先机?从科技前沿到思想变革,从商业领袖到学术先锋,CGTN主持人田薇@田薇_TianWei全新重磅系列访谈《明者远见》,跨越国界、文化与学科,深度对话全球最具远见的思想者,呈现那些兼


【未来变局,谁在谋局?田薇✖️全球智者,《明者远见》全新上线!】明者防祸于未萌, 智者图患于将来。在这个充满喧嚣的世界,站在时代拐点,谁能洞见先机?从科技前沿到思想变革,从商业领袖到学术先锋,CGTN主持人田薇@田薇_TianWei全新重磅系列访谈《明者远见》,跨越国界、文化与学科,深度对话全球最具远见的思想者,呈现那些兼具深度与温度的真知灼见。敬请关注,和我们一起先人一步,洞见未来!Who can recognize the opportunities that lie ahead in a chaotic world filled with noise? From innovative technologies to groundbreaking ideas and influential business leaders to scholarly innovators, Tian Wei's new and impactful interview series, The Vision, transcends borders, cultures and disciplines. It engages with some of the world's most insightful visionaries and shares profound and inspiring wisdom. Stay engaged and join us as we look toward the future together.

